About this site
A bit about this site. And a bit about me.
The site originates from many complaints that nobody sees the thousands of photographs I take. So here they are.
This is my personal site. Main purpose is to get feedback from friends family acquaintances whatever with the purpose of improvement...and selection of images maybe fit for another purpose. It's part of a series of websites.
I'm selling images on www.cheesbrough.co.uk.
Im working on projects on behance https://www.behance.net/martyn0d08/info
And there are other sites on Facebook and lightroom with overlapping content. Let me know if you want to find them.
Meanwhile enjoy the site. Remember to feedback. All comments welcome. And don't worry I've grown a thick skin so unlikely you will cause offense.
As one of my younger mentors reminded me
"Anyone who isn't embarrassed by what they were last year probably isn't learning enough"
Stay in touch